
Planning Committee Decisions 17 July 2024

Two decisions to report back on from the Planning Committee meeting 17 July 2024:

24/0093 – Land at Low Harker Farm, Low Harker, Harker, Carlisle, CA6 4DP  PDF 240 KB

Proposal: Erection of a 400mw battery storage facility with boundary fencing, access track, landscaping and other associated infrastructure.

RESOLVED – that the application be approved subject to the conditions set out (5 years for work to commence)

24/0328 – Land at Harker Industrial Estate, Kingmoor Park Harker Estate, Low Harker, Carlisle, CA6 4RF  PDF 134 KB

Proposal: Variation of condition 2(approved documents) of previously approved permission 23/0870 (erection of 300no. dwellings including associated open space and infrastructure) to substitute the house types & to make minor modifications to the layout.

RESOLVED – that the application be approved subject to the conditions set out.

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